Support the Arts
What you are sponsoring
Your monetary contribution supports the sustainability of our production, which provides an opportunity for local Portland performance artists to showcase their art. The art you support by sponsoring our show is:
LGBTQIA+ affirming
Disability inclusive
Ethnically diverse
Subversive against harmful institutions
Funds are used to pay performers and crew, purchase rigging and safety equipment, cover show-specific expenses (such as marketing and craft services), as well as cover overhead production expenses (administrative, insurance, and legal consulting fees).
Asteria Atombomb performing at the Nine Inch Heels Pole Show in May 2024 at Dante’s in Portland, OR.
Sponsorship Packages
$100 contribution
Individualized social media post with up to two images
“Thank you” call out at the event
Your logo and link to website on our virtual handbill
$250 contribution
All of the above PLUS
Advertisement slide on our pre-show & intermission slideshow
Social media reel promoting you or your business
Two complementary tickets to the show
We happily accept raffle donations as sponsorship!
March of the Pigs quartet performing at the Nine Inch Heels Pole Show in May 2024 at Dante’s in Portland, OR.